What Dublin, NH clients have to say about Farnum Insulators

Terrific work done on all fronts... It is rare these days to find people who are engaged in what they do... and care about it enough to do it right.
— Nick from Dublin, NH

Dublin, New Hampshire home insulation experts offering spray foam, cellulose, basement, blown-in insulation services – call us at (802)387-5005.

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insulation Services for Dublin, NH area homeowners and businesses

Efficiency Vermont's Efficiency Excellence Network awarded us "Most Thermal Savings" and "Most Projects" for a small company in 2016.

Efficiency Vermont's Efficiency Excellence Network awarded us "Most Thermal Savings" and "Most Projects" for a small company in 2016.

Comfort and efficiency starts with us!

We offer you expert installation of cellulose and spray foam insulation:


Cellulose is a great insulation material with a high R-value. It’s treated against fire, mold and pests as well as being made from recycled material. We can work in new or existing structures and we’ll help you choose the most cost-effective and non-invasive methods to meet your insulation needs.

Spray Foam

Sometimes cellulose isn’t the best option. Damp basements, rim boards and some wall cavities are best insulated using this amazing spray-on foam. With high R-value, an ability to expand into a space and airtightness, we’ll advise you on which insulation is best for you.

Call us at (802)387-5005 for a quote.


serving the Dublin, NH area

About Dublin, NH

Dublin, NH is a town in Cheshire County, New Hampshire, United States. The population was 1,597 at the 2010 census. It is home to Dublin School and Yankee magazine is based there.

Like all towns in this area, the terrain features hills and valleys. Farmers found the soil hard and rocky, but with effort it yielded maize, oats, barley and potatoes, with some wheat and rye. Orchards were common. The first census, taken in 1790, reported 901 residents. By 1859, there were 1,088. Then in 1870, the small mill town of Harrisville voted to separate from Dublin, leaving the latter with only 455 residents during the 1880 census.

Dublin is the base for Yankee Publishing Inc., the publisher of the Old Farmer's Almanac and Yankee magazine.

Source: Wikipedia, Dublin, New Hampshire.

Beautiful Dublin Lake with Mount Monadnock in the background.

Beautiful Dublin Lake with Mount Monadnock in the background.


We can help you get out of the icicle making business

Start saving money on your heating bills and make your Dublin, NH home and business a whole lot more comfortable.

Call us at (802)387-5005 for a quote.

five reasons why high-quality insulation is a must-have in your new hampshire home

High quality insulation is a must-have for you Brattleboro VT home.
  1. It Keeps the Elements Out

  2. It Saves You Money

  3. It’s Good for the Environment

  4. It Increases the Value of Your Home

  5. It Keeps Your Home Comfortable


6 Ways to Fix Damaging Basement Moisture

Keene Sentinel, Aug 10, 2018


“Moisture transfers from high moisture content to lower moisture content. So, if there is ductwork for air conditioning or heating in the basement and that ductwork is leaky, airborne mold spores or other unhealthy bacteria can be drawn into the ductwork and be carried throughout the entire house,” says Chad Farnum, Owner of Farnum Insulators.


DISTRIBUTORS WE USE for Dublin, nh spray FOAM insulation INSTALLATIONS


To provide you with the highest quality spray foam products we use Spray Foam Distributors of New England — official authorized distributors of Bayseal™, Lapolla™, Gaco Western™, and U.T.C ™ Spray Foam insulations.



Building Performance Institute

The Building Performance Institute (BPI) is the nation's premier certification and standard-setting organization for home performance professionals.


Efficiency Vermont

As part of Efficiency Vermont's Efficiency Excellence Network, our company Farnum Insulators is:

  • made up of trained experts in the advanced technologies and building sciences that make buildings more energy efficient

  • licensed, insured, and independent

  • committed to providing the highest level of service


Certified Contractors Network

As a Certified Contractors Network member company, Farnum Insulators is committed to observing the highest standard of Integrity, Frankness and Professional Responsibility in dealing with Dublin, NH homeowners and business owners.

Call us at (802)387-5005 for a quote.